The Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library

Key information

Archive depository
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Contact information

+47 22 69 33 00

About The Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library

The Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library (Arbark) is a documentation centre where you can find current and historical information about the Norwegian and the international labour movements, and about the political Left. The institution was founded jointly by the Norwegian Labour Party (DNA) and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) in 1908, and is still owned by these two organisations. Arbark is open to the public.

The archive collection also holds material from organisations and personalities outside Arbeiderpartiet and LO. As of 1972, Arbark has received government subventions, and our field of responsibility has been established through a cooperation agreement with the National Archival Services of Norway. Arbark is a member of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI).

Scanned material