SAB/A-16801: Vevring folkeregister

F: folkeregister

Fa: Flytting

L0001: Utflytte (Askvoll) 1946 - 1964, meldingar om flytting m.m. (Vevring) 1960 - 1963

Archive reference: SAB/A-16801/F/Fa/L0001
Source ID: 146668

Vevring folkeregister, Folkeregister, Relocation, no. 1: 1946-1964, persons moved out of the municipality (Askvoll) 1946 - 1964, reports on relocation etc. (Vevring) 1960 - 1963


Sogn og Fjordane
Municipality (1947):
Askvoll, Vevring